Published on December 11, 2009 By Urban1 In Object Desktop

I have trouble in getting all parts of a windowblinds skinned, stuff like close button on the

ie7 tabs does not skin and not the ie7 animations on the tabs either,

i am using: WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 7.0 (build 230 x86 - Vista Edition)

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(ACER AL2216W ) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT

Wblind.dll      2009/11/16 18:43:20
Wbsrv.dll      2009/11/12 15:19:07
SevenConfig.exe      2009/11/12 17:16:53
Wbload.exe      2009/11/06 18:44:12
Wbhelp.dll      2009/10/07 21:35:07
Tray.dll           2009/10/21 15:13:19
Wbload.dll           2009/09/25 14:41:28
Screen.exe      2009/11/07 18:39:26

please respond someone,

on Dec 11, 2009

That isn't the most curent build of WB.

I have:

Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 4.7
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 4.7

WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 7.01 (build 234 x86 - Vista Edition)

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(Generic PnP Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 

Wblind.dll         2009/12/10 16:58:20
Wbsrv.dll         2009/12/03 13:44:30
SevenConfig.exe         2009/12/03 13:43:22
Wbload.exe         2009/12/03 13:43:12
Wbhelp.dll         2009/07/29 21:11:07
Tray.dll              2009/10/21 15:13:19
Wbload.dll              2009/09/25 07:41:28
Screen.exe         2009/12/03 13:43:26


Also depending on the skin, not all skin authors skin the animations on the IE tabs. the close button not being skinned is a bug that I have mentioned to the developer of windowblinds

on Dec 11, 2009

no but the skins i have tried have those parts

on Dec 11, 2009

Which skins are you attempting to use? If you still have the problem even after updating, could you please post your updated WB System Info?


on Dec 12, 2009

Which skins are you attempting to use? If you still have the problem even after updating, could you please post your updated WB System Info?


I have updated, the skin i am using is the updated skin Sirus by mikeb314

WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 7.01 (build 234 x86 - Vista Edition)

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(ACER AL2216W ) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT

Wblind.dll      2009/12/10 22:58:20
Wbsrv.dll      2009/12/03 19:44:30
SevenConfig.exe      2009/12/03 19:43:22
Wbload.exe      2009/12/03 19:43:12
Wbhelp.dll      2009/10/07 21:35:07
Tray.dll           2009/10/21 15:13:19
Wbload.dll           2009/09/25 14:41:28
Screen.exe      2009/12/03 19:43:26

on Dec 14, 2009

Can you take screenshots of the elements not skinned?

on Dec 17, 2009

this is the image i mean, the close button on the tab is suppose to be skinned but its default:

on Dec 18, 2009

The close button is an issue that has been brought to the attention of Neil (developer of WB/SKS) and is being worked on:


It looks like WB is using the close button for the Win7 tooltip instead of the tabs close button.